Chinese Traditional Medicine for Chronic Pain. 

If you live with it, you’ll know how debilitating and exhausting it is. In fact, it’s one of the main reasons people seek an acupuncture practitioner. But the way doctors conventionally treat pain overlooks the cause of symptoms. It never reaches the root of the problem. 

 In recent years, there’s been compelling evidence that acupuncture works for chronic pain. In some US states, an integrative pilot acupuncture service has been implemented into mainstream healthcare. 

It’s mainly used to treat chronic pain.  

This acceptance of Chinese medicine into US mainstream medicine is largely prompted by the need to offer a cost-effective alternative to addictive opioid drugs. The opioid crisis is a major concern for health officials here in the UK too. The cost of opioid use to the NHS stretches to millions every year, despite the fact that opioids don’t really work.


 Acupuncture offers a clear solution…

It’s highly effective, low cost, safe, and comes without serious side effects like addiction. The UK health
body NICE recommends acupuncture for chronic tension-type headaches and migraine, but it can be a vital path to healing for so many more conditions.

Cassandra profile picture

As a fully qualified and insured acupuncturist, I make it my mission to help treat patients dealing with chronic pain using acupuncture.

– Cassandra Hawthorne, re+cultivate founder and licensed traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.