Menopause Support, Tailored to You.

The Re+Cultivate Approach.

At Re+Cultivate, our practitioners are here to provide personalised menopause support with meaningful results. Based on the healing arts of Chinese medicine, we make integrative healthcare simple and accessible, empowering you to take control of your health. Whether online or in-person, we are here to support women in the management of both peri-menopause and menopausal symptoms.

  • We Treat Your Whole-body.

    We work holistically to offer a transformative whole-body approach to address your menopausal symptoms, taken into consideration the complex interaction between the emotions and the body’s chemistry.

  • Our Approach is Natural & Safe.

    Our licenced care and holistic therapy plans empower you to take control of your health. Clinical trials have shown that traditional Chinese medicine can improve many systems in your body, at the same time with little to no side effects.

  • A Safe Alternative To HRT.

    A review of current scientific literature suggests that there is evidence for positive impact of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine on several menopausal symptoms including hot flushes, sleep disturbances, and mood swings.

Ready to Get Started?

  • Online Menopause Services.

    From your initial consultation to follow-on care, you will benefit from our menopause support services on the go and wherever you are. We will work with you every step of the way, with all the guidance you need to achieve your health goals.

  • In-Person Services.

    With in-person treatments and consultations taken place in Mortlake, London SW14, we offer acupuncture, custom herbal formulas and bodywork.

Ready to Feel Better?

Start your acupressure journey from home, with our 24K gold-plated ear seeds.

The ear is important in Chinese medicine. Like the feet in reflexology, it’s considered to provide a map, or a microcosm of the body as a whole. Specific points on the ear access organs and limbs of the body for better energy flow and healing. 

Recent clinical studies show that ear seeds are effective for insomnia, pain tolerance and lower back pain. They’re also thought to help relieve stress and balance your hormones. 

Ear seeds are often used as a complement to other treatments. But they’re safe to use at home. The skin-friendly adhesive is resilient and long-lasting. And they look pretty too!

At Re+Cultivate, we use Chinese medicine methods to treat a range of menopausal symptoms.

  • This is by far the most common symptom women experience during menopause. According to Chinese medicine it is caused by a yin deficiency of the kidneys and liver.

  • Night sweats is a typical symptom of of yin deficiency with internal heat or fire. An additional possible cause is a weakness of yang qi.

  • Sleep problems associated with menopause in Chinese medicine are usually associated to a weakening of yin energy which leads to a dominance of yang. Insufficiency of blood also plays a role in sleep problems.

  • Anxiety and depression are often experienced during menopause and are largely due to a stagnation of liver qi energy or related to the heart qi.

  • In Chinese medicine, the genitals are ruled by the liver and kidney, therefore a deficiency of these organs causes the body fluids in the genital area to be affected.

  • According to TCM, the kidneys rule the bones, teeth , head hair, ears and the marrow of the spinal cord and brain. Therefore, by supplementing Kidney qi energy with acupuncture and/or herbs along with dietary and exercise can offer real results.